Addresses of Pig Farmers
The AgriDirect database contains the most up-to-date addresses of pig farmers. These pig farmers are mainly from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Our up-to-date data ensures that all these contacts can be reached by email, post and telephone.
Specific selection
Do you want a more specific target group than all pig farmers? AgriDirect can make very specific selections based on type of pigs and feeding systems. In addition to the addresses, our address database also contains relevant background information such as plans for the future and planned investments.
The target group of pig farmers can be divided further into several categories:
- Addresses of pork farmers
- Addresses of breeding sow farmers
- Addresses of rearing sow farmers
- Other pigs
- Liquid feeding system for fattening pigs
- Liquid feeding system for breeding sows
The utility of specific selections
Our comprehensive address database ensures that we can reach a very specific target group, which makes it possible to select different subgroups of pig farmers. To select the right target group for you, we’ll be happy to advise you on the possibilities we offer. The quality of the addresses is updated annually during our update round.
Livestock update
During the livestock update, farmers with fattening pigs, breeding sows and rearing sows and others are contacted by telephone with questions about their business activities and plans for investments and the future. This makes it possible for us to always offer the most up-to-date and comprehensive information, guaranteeing that you are put in contact with your target group in the best possible way.
How can you reach pig farms?
- Postal mailing (buying or leasing addresses).
- By generating appointments or leads
- (Online) Market Research
- Email newsletters (exclusive mailings to pig farm email addresses)
- Social media (reach pig farmers on Facebook!)
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