Addresses of Poultry Farmers
AgriDirect supports you in getting in touch with poultry farmers. Our database contains the most up-to-date and complete addresses of poultry companies from various countries, including in-depth background information. This data will give your sales and marketing activities a boost!
Accurate selection
The extensive address database enables us to compile an accurate selection for you.
For example, the following categories can be selected:
- Laying hens
- Rearing hens
- Broilers
- Turkeys
- Free-range chickens
- Broiler dams
- Ducks
- Other poultry
Relevance of accurate selection
An accurate selection is the basis for good communication with your target group, which makes this the basis for a successful marketing campaign. After all, your message needs to be a good fit with the target group for the campaign to be effective. If you want to offer a product especially for egg farmers, free-range chicken farmers or broiler breeders, this needs to be communicated to the right target group.
In addition to the categories above, we can also select by different numbers and background data such as feed suppliers, agricultural machinery, investment plans, etc.
Livestock update
The Livestock update is an annual telephone update to keep all the addresses of poultry farms current. During the update, laying hen farmers, free-range chicken farmers, broiler farmers, duck farmers and turkey farmers, among others, are approached with questions about their business activities and plans for investments and the future. You can also participate in this update programme by adding your own questions to get exclusive information.
Read more about the update programmes here
Get in touch with poultry farmers!
You can reach your specific target group in various ways:
- Buy or lease poultry addresses for a marketing mailing by post.
- Lead generation
- Appointment generation
- Market research
- Email marketing
- Social media (reach poultry farmers by Facebook!)
Learn more.
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our market reports
Receive the latest market information per sector in a single overview free of charge. This includes company characteristics, agricultural activities, crops, information about machines and much more!