The most complete and up-to-date agricultural database of Germany,
the Netherlands and Belgium
Market insights
Understanding the agricultural market is crucial to focus your marketing and sales activities effectively. What are your customer’s interests and needs? What are the motivations? And, not unimportantly, what are your competitors doing?
The proactive collection and analysis of current trends, figures, signals and developments in the market provides insight into your position in the market. This makes it easier to acquire new customers, retain existing customers and improve customer relations.
Our Agricultural Data Platform is updated annually and contains all the up-to-date information you need to obtain, interpret and then use the market insights that are important to you. In this way, you get more out of your sales and marketing activities.
Among other things, you will gain insight into:
- Interests and customer profiles per agricultural business
- Current suppliers, insurers, house bankers per agricultural business
- Market shares of different suppliers
- Ways in which agricultural entrepreneurs communicate
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